About us

Scan to join the Flint Rosary Community

We are a Flint catholic community dedicated to the recitation of the Holy Rosary. Our members commit to recite the Rosary Prayer at least 3 times weekly.

We welcome all prayer requests from the Catholic Community of Flint and beyond.

Our ongoing prayer petitions focus on the monthly prayer intentions and perseverance of the Holy Father, the Pope, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Nuns/Sisters, the Clergy, and all the Religious especially those in our Flint Catholic Community including among others, St. John Vianney Catholic Church, St. Matthew Catholic Church, Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, St. Mary Queen of Angels Catholic Church and others.

We current have Rosary communities meeting weekly at St. John Vianney Catholic Church (after 11am mass, every Sunday) and at St. Matthew Catholic Church (after 12.10pm mass, every Friday).

To join our community kindly complete your registration here:

If you live in Flint and would like to start or join any of the existing Flint Rosary Communities, please reach out to flintrosary@gmail.com

Our members are also part of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. This is a global association of Catholic faithful established “to praise and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and to secure her patronage by the recitation of the Rosary for the mutual spiritual benefit of all the members throughout the world.” Each member of the Rosary Confraternity strives to pray the three Rosaries (15 decades) each week.

As a requirement of membership, each member of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary strives to pray the three Rosaries (fifteen decades) each week and to include the other members of the Confraternity in their intentions. This is the sole obligation of membership in the Rosary Confraternity. It does not bind under the pain of sin (which means it is not a sin if you fail to pray your 15 decades as a Member).

  • Meditation on the Mysteries of Christ is necessary as part of praying the Rosary.

  • The intentions of the other members are to be included in one’s prayers. This can be done by making a “general intention” to always include their intentions and this does not need to be explicitly repeated every time one prays the Rosary.

You can register to become a member of here: